Tonight starts my database clean. This is a project on my To Do list for some time (aka, years), but now that I'm finding a bit of a stand-still in my research, I can focus on hitting that delete key.
Back in the day, as previously mentioned, I was a young researcher. It was all about adding people to the database. And I have a few thousand BARWICK's that are of no relation to me. It was simply an easy name to research at that time.
Now, they're being deleted.
I'm a bit torn about this. It feels wrong to simply delete names. These were humans that existed and have histories and stories. But because I have none of that information, nor do I have any sources for their information, it seems wrong to be one perpetuating an unsourced databased, for the sake of Numbers in my database. It's not about quantity, it's about quality. I know this now.
So, I'm sorry to you Barwick family. If I got your information from the net, good chance is, someone else has it out there for you. My information wasn't really that helpful anyway.
Off to cleaning! I'll keep you posted on how it's going!